You just finished college applications and it feels like a weight has been lifted, right? Oh don't worry, your IAs, CAS requirements, clubs, and study sessions for exams will replace that weight soon! I would be lying to you if I didn't say that this is probably going to be the hardest four months of your life. But I also would be lying if I said that you won't make it through. You will! You CAN do this!
IB has been hard since freshman year and after you get used to the workload, it's actually not too bad until your senior year. Its like everything gets thrown at you all at once and it does not stop. You're fine until about mid-October when you realize you have to actually fill out the college applications to get into the schools you want to go to. Oh and that Extended Essay? That's not going to write itself either! If you're a student who doesn't procrasti-- You know what? I'm not even going to go there because the people who don't procrastinate are probably doing some homework right now instead of reading this (please don't stop reading this, do your homework after).
Here are some tips to get through the rest of the year-
1) USE that agenda that you bought in the beginning of the school year and stopped paying attention to in September. Even if you use your phone, I promise that there is no feeling like being able to physically cross something off of a checklist.
2) Bring your laptop to school. I don't know if the school wifi still works on personal devices, but if it does, bring your laptop! I can't tell you how much time I have saved by using spare time at school to do things that I would only be able to do at home if I hadn't brought it with me.
3) Make sure that you are on top of your schedule. With so many things going on, it can feel like days are a blur. Make sure you're keeping track of everything you do so you don't miss any practices, meetings, or assignments.
4) Make the effort to talk to your teachers! They each have hundreds of students that they are responsible for grading and will most likely forget about things they said they'd do for you. (But DON'T pester them) This applies for your work too! If you're having issues with something, most will stay after class or will let you make an appointment to go over something).
5) Don't forget that you're not just an IB Senior, you're a senior! Make memories and enjoy your last couple months of high school. Go to events, take endless pictures, and cherish the rest of the time you have before you have to pay for your own food and textbooks. Seriously.
6) Don't worry yourself about the status of your college applications. Once they're submitted, they're submitted. There's nothing you can do but wait. I spent hours rereading my Columbia application after I submitted it and wondering if there was anything I could've done to make it better. Well guess what? My ass still didn't get in.
7) Look forward to graduation. I promise you, getting that diploma is the best feeling in the world.
8) Do not give up! Yes, senior year is hell and I won't try to downplay how hard it is, but can I tell you how amazing it is to have entered college with 45 credits? The beginning level English, History, and Psychology classes in college are hard and involve long readings and even longer papers! Do you want to be stuck in a class that has nothing to do with your major because you didn't work hard enough in high school? NO! Get it out of the way NOW! Brew your coffee because here come the all-nighters! Cry now and laugh later at all of your non-IB friends who have to take entry level classes in college.
You can do this. I believe in you guys. If you ever need anything, feel free to Facebook or Twitter message me, or email me at!
xo -Crys.
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